Demand feeding VS Routine Feeding among babies

Demand feeding VS Routine Feeding among babies

When feeding your baby becomes full-time work, wishing to schedule it questions your audacity. The good news is there is a right way to do both demand feeding and scheduled feeding.

This is such a common question-and for good reason! There is a short answer to this question-You do you, mama.

The long answer is…well, there are merits to both

  • Demand feeding

This is when you feed your baby whenever they are hungry. You notice those hunger cues, and you pick them up and feed them. In the beginning, the baby will want to feed A LOT-every two hours or so for breastfed babies can be a bit longer for formula-fed bubs. As your baby grows, you’ll find they settle into their little routine and you’ll find they are hungry around every 3-4 hours.

If you are breastfeeding, demand feeding is vital in the beginning as breastmilk works on a supply/demand basis. If you put your baby on a schedule right away, you risk issues like mastitis, plugged ducts and low supply.

  • Routine feeding

Some families find that feeding their babies according to a structured routine works best for them. Some parents find that the whole family thrives with structure and predictability-knowing when the baby will sleep and feed.

This generally won’t work and isn’t ideal for newborn babies.

Image source: Google

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