It not only changes the shape of the body, but also the way they view it. Which is why a lot of women find it really difficult to accommodate the changes inside and out. and a big part of that change is getting back to work. The professional world is usually difficult to navigate for a working mother. This is because of an array of reasons. and sometimes it is because of the changed attitude of everyone in that working environment towards them. Though the case is not the same with everyone. The professional world tends to be more on the brutal side when it comes to working women. There are a lot of changes that are supposed to be in place when it comes to making work better for new mothers. but here are a few things we can do.
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This part is the most difficult, which is why we decided to start with it. In a lot of fields, being away from the workforce takes you out of the loop. but when you restart your career, remember to be confident. Because getting out of the loop had nothing to do with your capabilities. You are still as capable as you used to be. So regardless of the anxiety, trust your abilities. Because of the sheer fact that there are a lot of working mothers in the workforce. Who also did not have it very easy at the beginning. But they are a testament to the fact that you can restart your career whenever you want to. In case you have some time in your hand. you can try out other certifications that enhance your degree. They would not only give you that extra leverage, but also give you the confidence to go into that work place again. If you are going back to the same workplace again. Just know that even if a lot has changed around, you still have the resilience in yourself to get through it. Another really important thing for you to believe in is the fact that fear of missing out is normal and at the same time very inevitable. So, whenever you get anxious and think that you are missing out on a lot of things. Don't let those thoughts bully you. Because now you might have two full time jobs. One being taking care of your baby and another being a working professional. if you are trying to look for a new job. Then start with updating your resume, get more active on professional social media sites like LinkedIn. Where you cannot only find a lot of hiring opportunities. but also meet people who are going through the same things as you. Lastly, don't shy away from applying for a job,just because you think your work gap will affect the way your potential employers would look at you. Lastly, no matter what, just remember that you are doing all you can. And things might not be the same anymore because now you have additional responsibilities on you. Give yourself some grace, time and compassion, then good things will surely come around.